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Welcome to DSI

On the next page, you will be re-directed to Discord and asked to log in using their OAuth system.
Once you have done so, you will get redirected back to this site, and must click the validate button.
You will then be able to access the DSI Discord Community.


Why are we verifying members?

We, DSI, want to ensure that members of our community are human beings and to prevent any account with Ill intent from joining, chatting, or direct messaging other members (usually bots). We want to ensure a pleasant experience for all members without the potential for spam. By verifying here, you sign into Discord, which tells our bot that you are a legitimate user and, therefore, you receive the verified server role.


When signing in, please ensure you sign in with the Discord account that is already a member of DSI. If you are signed in with an alternate account, please use an incognito window.

This site uses javascript. If you have issues verifying, please disable any adblocker or browser extension that may prevent scripts from working.

Technical Info

For information about how this system works, please visit here: Discord Oauth Scopes